It is one of the most popular methods of recent times, as it relaxes the expectant mother in the water and reduces the feeling of pain to a minimum. “Water Birth”, as a more comfortable and non-intervention type of delivery because it offers the opportunity to reduce pain and freedom of movement, shortens the duration of labor, less damage to the perineum, decrease in cesarean section rates, decrease in the rate of birth with intervention, ability to use the desired position during birth, mother and baby It offers opportunities such as increasing the contact between them.

Water birth, which starts with the mother-to-be entering a tub-like unit specially designed for birth, ends with the birth of the baby under the supervision of a doctor, with vaginal delivery.

Before the water birth, the team consisting of a specialist physician, birth coach and midwife informs the mother with an 8-session program 4 weeks before the birth. The mother and the professional team, who are knowledgeable about the process, act together and give birth.