What is DHI Hair Transplantation? How is it performed?

DHI hair transplantation is one of the most advanced hair transplantation methods using special devices called “implanter pen”. DHI hair transplantation technique, which can be defined as “Direct Hair Implantation”, is translated into Turkish as "Direct  Hair Implantation".

One of the most important reasons why the DHI technique has come to the fore in recent years is that it is a two-stage method without incisions. In other hair transplantation techniques, hair transplantation, which is performed in three stages as graft collection, hair grooving and graft transplantation, is carried out in two basic stages as graft collection and graft transplantation using the DHI method.

The most important factor in reducing hair transplantation to two stages is the use of "implanter pen" devices. After the graft is placed into the device, the skin is pierced and the graft is left directly into the skin. In this way, hair grooving and graft transplantation operations can be performed at the same time.